Beauvais Design

Multi Language Websites

A multilingual website is any website that offers content in more than one language.

What we do

Design and build bi-lingual and multi-lingual websites and e-commerce stores

If you sell your products or offer your services in more than one language or in more than one country then having a multi-language website will boost your business with all your client base.



You have any number of languages on your website. Your clients browser will automatically set the language initially shown.



Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is implemented in each language on the website



Having a multi-lingual check out and payment system for your products can expand your reach dramatically.



Having your content properly translated is vital for your clients to find you. On page translation will never show in a local language search

About us

Modern and Experienced

At Beauvais Design we like fast and efficient custom websites without unnecessary code or themes. Our websites are tested for speed and integrity before delivery, and together with our rocket fast hosting will give your clients a superlative browsing experience of your services or products.

Beauvais Design has the experience of web design both in the UK and in France for English and French clients, and is experienced in working in English, French and German languages as well as local dialects.


Our customers

We know what you need

A fast loading, mobile friendly website thats has SEO in each language of the website is the website that you need if you work bi-lingually or multi-lingually. Whether you work in one country or across borders.

How we work

A tried and tested method



Discovering your business and understanding its short and long term goals.


Design and Build

Design and build a website that projects your business in a clear but attractive manner. You will approve each stage of the design and build process.



Install analytics, test for speed, set-up Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

Multi Language Email Marketing

Use our expertise and resources for email marketing in more than one language

Sound ok? Then let's do this!

Need Email Marketing?